Tuesday 29 March 2011

Sunny San Francisco

"I wanna freak in the mornin', freak in the evenin', just like me..." Sugababes

Sorry I've been a little slow with my first blog of my trip!! Had a bit of a nightmare when I got here, food poisoning...bad...I couldn't stop being sick and 'the other' for hours, eventually had to go to the doctors as was getting really weak due to the amount of fluid I was loosing and I couldn't keep any water down, bloody awful and costly, very costly, I now appreciate the NHS a hell of a lot, although I'm insured so I should get some of the cash back fingers crossed!

Well I've been in San Fran for a week now, a bit longer than I had planned but I lost a few days due to the sickness, slept it off and the hostel put me in an ensuite room by myself to recover which was very nice, and half the time I've been here I've had it to myself, luxury, I've made the most of it. The people I've shared with have been nice though, especially the German girl Sophia would came last night, we had a really good girly natter. Been shopping today to get a few bits as everyone I've spoken to says it's the cheapest place here compared to everywhere else, but everywhere else is nicer. I didn't like San Fran at all the first few days due to feeling like total shite and it all being very weird but I've actually grown to really like it, there's lots to see and do.

There are also A LOT of weirdos and homeless people, hence my Sugababes lyrics. VERY FREAKY DEAKY INDEED!!!

Things I have done:
  1. Cable cars - quirky old style cable cars, pretty different and fun
  2. Went to Alcatraz - pretty cool and good audio tour
  3. Fisherman's Wharf - like Skeggy beach but with Sealions rather than Donkeys
  4. Golden Gate Bridge - very very very windy and good views of the city
  5. Bus tour of the city - open top red double-deckers from London
  6. Golden Gate Park - very nice relaxing park, Japanese Tea Garden pretty cool
  7. Union Square - good goooood shopping, most outta my price range at the mo
  8. Starbucks - Lattes and Blueberry muffins but UK Starbucks to shame amazing!!
  9. San Fran bars - cool Orange Tree-style bars and a retro disco style bar
  10.  Haight-Ashbury - hippy district, nice funky shops so bought some stuff
Think I've pretty much done most of what you can do in San Fran, I've also travelled through the China Town and Italian district (North Beach). They look pretty cool for eating out etc but I've mainly been grabbing food on the go, as I'm only having a small meal a day, mainly because I'm not able to eat much after my tummy probs but it's also a great way to slim down for Fiji - which is where I fly to Saturday night!! Wahoooo!! Also I'm liking the close sizing out here, I'm a Small or a size 6!!! Now either I've lost a hell of a lotta weight or the sizing is a little bigger over here, I'm only a couple off a size 0!!!

I'm off to LA in the morning, so hopefully when I arrive there I will have more luck and get to enjoy my three days there, I'm staying just a few strides from the Hollywood stars :) :) :)

Hope you're all well and happy,

B xxx

Tuesday 15 March 2011

This time next week...

"I wanna breeze and an open mind, I wanna swim in the ocean, Wanna take my time for me, All me..." Stereophonics

This time next week I should have just arrived at my first hostel in San Francisco - USA Hostels. How exciting/scary?!

Got sooo much still to do before I go, I didn't realise that travelling would involve so much paper work - I can't even think about packing at the moment!!

I'm off to Chelternam Festival tomorrow to try and win some funds for the trip on the horses and to have a fabulous day with the fam of course...then seeing Mich Thurs hopefully...out with the fabulous Teaching Art crew on Friday - I'm going to miss you guys!!!

Not long now...

B xx